
October 25th, 2021

I enjoyed reading tattooers blogs when I was younger, felt like it was more personal and done without the intention of scoring likes and such. I'm gonna be trying to update this thing weekly. It'll be brief, with pictures of tattoos and other things I'm working on, as well as some snaps from various experiences. Maybe it'll make me seem less like an internet manifestation, or maybe the voice in your head you read my words with is a dickhead anyhows, I don't know.

"On August 20th 1612 ten people convicted of witchcraft at the Summer Assize held in Lancaster Castle went to the gallows on the moors above the town. Among their number were two men and a woman in her eighties. Their crimes included laming, causing madness and what was termed “simple” witchcraft. In addition to this some sixteen unexplained deaths, many stretching back decades, were laid at their door. Lancashire, in the early years of the seventeenth century, was remote, its roads poor, its people ill-educated. Throughout the county there were places where the outside world hardly intruded, and one such area was Pendle Forest. It was here, among stark hillsides, infertile valleys and scattered hamlets, that the story of the Pendle Witches had its beginnings"

I was away for all of last week between Lancaster and the Lake District (so no tattoos to post) took a boat out from Windermere across the largest lake in england, among some other great sites.

quick painting on canvas from sunday night. second layer over a previous painting from summer lockdown 2020. acrylics and oil pastels.(full image can be seen in the "paint" section)

plenty of things to keep me occupied. until next time...
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